Monday, August 2, 2010

Home Again

It was a whirlwind weekend away.

We drove up to Buffalo Friday night after work. The sky is always interesting as we approach the city on the thruway. The cloud cover moving in from Lake Erie....

We arrived in time Friday to help Garrett move a few things from his apartment to the new one just down the hall. The next morning we were all up early and the moving (and cleaning) continued, till early afternoon when we finally closed the door on G-6 for the last time.

Saturday afternoon George and I headed to Rochester for a surprise party for my cousin, Jill. I had not seem some of my cousins in many years, so it was a fun reunion with entertainment.

Sunday we took Garrett and Heather to breakfast, then started the trek back home. It was my idea to take the scenic, southern route, rather than the interstate. That made the trip home much longer, but it was worth it.

A storm was moving right in front of us, and we eventually caught up. Arriving in our driveway, we sat in the car for a bit till the downpour let up. The neighbors said that it only rained for a half hour, but the rains had been heavy, and it showed!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you had a very productive trip, and what a beautiful interesting drive home. That is what we like to do too. The Amish look so familiar.
    Have a great rest of the week.
