Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Week in Pictures

It was a rough week with a lot of overtime. I made it through, though, and now begins my vacation. Today there was a lot of catching up to do, including loading up the week's pictures.

We made a trip to Whitesboro last Sunday, and first spotted what we think was an immature bald eagle near Spencer....

then a great egret north of Eaton....

At home there's the stealthy woodchuck who would love to munch down on my last cabbage....

There's the creeper vine making its way from the compost heap, across the yard....

and this grows from it....I wonder what it is.

We've been picking lots of tomatoes....

and I finally had time to fix a real homemade meal tonight, minestrone....

I'm looking forward to nine more days of R & R.

1 comment:

  1. Our gardens are looking a bit weary right now. The lack of rain, and the persistant hot sun beating down on everything has taken it's toll. The tomatoes are ripening from the inside out.
    We have a couple volunteer vines too, and it's always a surprise.
    Good looking minestrone.
