Friday, July 23, 2010

One Year of Postcards

It was just a year ago that I joined Postcrossing, and sent out my first postcard. At that time there were 113,000 members. A year later, I have sent out 175 postcards with 160 received. Currently there are 195,000 members.

It has been great fun. Wherever we go, I try to pick up some postcards, and I have found them in many shops, produce stands, wineries, grocery stores, and the normal tourist locations. Even better is checking the mailbox each afternoon to see what postcards have come. I have sent to 37 countries, and received from 32.

These are just a few of the recent ones -

from Eija in Finland....

from Lensku in Finland....

from Andrea in Taiwan....

from Nathan in Canada.....

and this whimsical one from China.....

I try to write some little personal note on each one, and I especially enjoy it when a sender has done the same. I'm looking forward to year two!

1 comment:

  1. This such a cool hobby. I bet you have "met" some really nice folks.
