Monday, September 6, 2010

Predatory Hill

I woke up Saturday to the sound of many birds in the backyard, but by the time I got to the kitchen and opened the back door to see, it was eerily quiet.

This was why....

George went out later and found that the hawk had taken down a mourning dove, which we've seen happen once before out back.

This morning, in about the same spot, was a yellow tiger cat. George was mowing nearby, but the cat's attention was focused on the brush pile.

Either the many birds that hide in there, or the resident chipmunk, had caught his eye.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I have been so absent lately Jan. It's a busy time here in the Fall, and as winter lurks even closer, I'll be better.
    We have Cooper's Hawks here and I manage to lose a couple every year. The doves seem to be the target too.
