Saturday, October 2, 2010

Today in Pictures

It was a beautiful autumn day, and fortunately it was my day off so that I could get outside to enjoy it!

I was out picking tomatoes....

I filled the bird feeders and birdbath. The birds, squirrels, and chipmunk came. Two bluebirds were even out checking out the nest box.

I decided I had better get a picture of the tree in its color, as one good windy day could take it all away until next year. It's especially nice that the warm red color glows through the living room window in the afternoon sun....

and out on the picnic table sits our compost heap surprise....our green and orange pumpkin.

It turned out to be pretty good sized after imagining we had a little squash growing a few months ago.

1 comment:

  1. Cool pictures Jan.
    I only saw 2 Bluebirds early this Spring and they left.
    The colors are nice here, but with all this rain, I'm not sure they'll hang on till the rain quits.
